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2021’s Biggest Interior Design Trends

If any one year has taught us the value of good interior design, it’s 2020. As we were all confined to our homes for months on end, outdated corners of our rooms stood out starkly—forcing us to rethink, redesign, and renovate. That’s why 2021 is such an exciting time for interior design. Here, we list…

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Get the Look: Innovative Office Design Ideas

It’s so important to keep your office space fresh, modern, and appealing. Nobody wants to spend 40 hours a week in a dark and dingy space—so your office space must move with the times. And once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, many employees will want to switch between home and office working, meaning when they do…

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Get the look – 5 of the World’s Most Futuristic Homes

The future is here. Technology is redefining everything around us, and interior design is no different. Across the world, imaginative homeowners and architects are producing futuristic homes that perfectly balance aesthetics with functionality, relying on innovative technologies (like Smart Glass) to future-proof these residential properties. Let’s take a look at 5 of the world’s most…

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4 Essential Design Choices for Contemporary Offices

2020 has had a profound impact on the way we work and, as a consequence, the way that we want our workplaces to look going forward. While some professions will perhaps never see a return to desks and conference rooms, most companies agree that offices still hold an important place in the business world—whether this…

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Get the Look: 4 Ways to Maximise Light in Your Home

switchable glass floor

We all want our home to feel light, airy, and welcoming—that’s a given. But this often comes with a trade-off. As great as it is to have a light feel, you don’t want this to affect your sense of privacy or come at the expense of your home’s cosiness—especially when the long winter nights draw…

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Hotels: How Smart Glass Can Revolutionise Hotel Design

The hospitality sector has been particularly hard-hit over the past 12 months or so. With global travel restrictions and lockdowns, hotels have unfortunately been forced to operate at a reduced capacity and closed in some cases. Once restrictions are lifted, it’s expected that holiday bookings will be firmly back on the agenda, at home and…

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How to Make Glass Look Frosted

Frosted glass has a range of benefits, whether you’re looking for more privacy, a touch of style, or to keep out the hot summer’s sun. In this article, we’re going to explore what frosted glass is, what to do if you want your glass to be both frosted and clear, and potential use-cases for frosted…

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How Much Does Smart Glass Cost?

Smart Glass is reimagining interior design: helping to create beautiful, highly functional residential spaces. In short, it can transform your home. However, before investing in Smart Glass, you probably want to know exactly what it is—and how much it costs.   What is Smart Glass? Smart Glass comes in many forms, but in short, it…

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College Chooses Intelligent Glass for New Refurb

Over the last year education all over the world has been affected due to the global pandemic, with UNESCO noting that at the height of school closures over 1.5 billion learners were affected. It’s no surprise that after 12 months of stop-start schooling and remote learning, schools are investing in improving their facilities ready for…

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Everything You Need to Know About Smart Glass

Smart Glass is the next big thing in interior design. Integrating best-in-class design with innovative technology, Smart Glass allows your windows to open up your space while giving you the power to control opacity at will. It works wonders for both residential and commercial interiors, making rooms more aesthetic and more functional. If you’ve ever…

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